TCS Reading Group at Purdue

I am organizing the TCS reading group at Purdue for Spring 2025 semester, together with Nithish Kumar (kumar410), Vatsal Jha (jha36), and Arnav Burudgunte (aburudgu).

Meeting time and location: Wednesdays at 12:30 in Lawson 3102 unless specified otherwise.

Mailing List: Click to register.

TCS reading group is a presentation/seminar series oriented towards theory students and researchers, both current and aspiring. We aim to foster a meeting environment where the audience can hop in and learn what others in the department are working on or are interested in, and where the presenter can practice their presentation skills and share what their work or just something they find interesting. If you are interested in volunteering to present, either your own work, or any topics you find interesting, contact any of the organizers!

We are also experimenting with the idea of following a course outside of Purdue that may be interesting to you. This semester, we are recommending ECS 189A: Sublinear Algorithms for Big Data by Jasper Lee at UC Davis. If you don’t have any papers in mind to present, but want to give a casual talk about any of these topics, reach out to us as well!

We also have free coffee (hopefully)!

See also: Theory Seminar at Purdue, the more official seminar series.

Jan 22: Hongao Wang on A Theory of Optimistically Universal Online Learnability for General Concept Classes.

Jan 29: Raymond Song on Instance-Dependent Optimality in Mean Estimation.

Feb 5:

Feb 12: Shubhankar Varshney on An Introduction to Computational Topology.

Feb 19: Arvind Ramaswami on Sample Compression Scheme Reductions.

Feb 26: Yufan Huang.

Mar 5: Abhijeet Vyas.

Mar 12: Purdue CS Graduate Symposium.

Mar 19: Spring break.

Mar 26: Liangkun Liu.

Apr 2: Theory Seminar: Yuri Makarychev (TTIC).

Apr 9:

Apr 16: Seunghoon Lee on A Tight Lower Bound on the TdScrypt Trapdoor Memory-Hard Function.

Apr 23:

Apr 30: